Thursday, May 28, 2020

A foot at a time in the garden

Today was slow going. In two hours I managed to clear a 5'x3' area. It was slow going since I had to battle grass and weeds. Some of the weeds are typical dandelions but we also encounter vetch. Vetch is in the legume family. The state decided to plant vetch along the roadways not taking into consideration the invasive abilities of this plant. Vetch can attract many types of wildlife to include deer and birds. wildlife may love the vetch (since it produces edible parts), gardeners do not. It can take over a garden lickety-split. So be careful what you sow and where.

The area I cleared. I even took the time to move a few wild geraniums. I think they will look fantastic near the rock. 

A different view of the cleared area. I hope the geraniums survive. This was hard work and my hand is a little stiff from all the grass pulling. Don't mind the terrible looking bushes. We plan on pulling the bushes that are struggling, and we will move some around the garden. 

If you look behind the cleared area, past the rock, you can see the next battle area.


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