Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Groundhog day

I feel like today was a groundhog day. Why is that, do you say? Well, we did lots of the same things we did on previous days. We removed weeds and landscape fabric; laid down mulch; and watered. It felt like the "wash, rinse, dry, repeat" mantra. 😄
The reappearance of vetch really vexed me. I got to the point I wanted to make up a song about vetch and how it is the gardener's bain. When I got home I looked up the word vetch and poems. I discovered Sir Walter Scott and Ralph Waldo Emerson included this hardy flower in two of their poems. One of Emerson's poems is called "Blight".😊

The vetch plant will be a constant battle since it has ingrained itself into the rock drain.

The day started out with clouds but cleared to lovely sunshine.

Here is the vetch and grass battleground. It has been turned over by my hoe; I need to remove the materials. We are hoping for some gravel or rocks to cover the dirt. 

My partner is digging under the rock for those pesky grass roots

 time to spread the frosting

spreading the frosting

The irises are starting to bloom. They are lovely.

The drain area is slow going. There is still a grass patch. 

but the daisies and wild geranium look marvelous. 

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